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Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Man, Barbie used to be a bundle of sunshine just like Emilico...it’s really saddening to see how the Shadows House has twisted both her and Barbara into their current state.

Jack • 1 year ago

Now she's gonna be even MORE twisted ;-;

Veldora • 1 year ago

Yea. She changed her personality to meet someone who killed themself. The hierarchy tricking her is one main cause.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

I don't even want to imagine the damage finding out Christopher killing himself will do to her. But I guess Maryrose's death here will wreck her some first.

Sync Beat • 1 year ago

I wonder what happeny to antony, christorpher's face tho, he's probably plotting something with Mary rose after that day right?

vovan1 • 1 year ago

i guess, she was told that he failed the test to become adult. But she didn't know it was suicide.

Vlad • 1 year ago

Nope, the way they interacted, it was clear that she still believed that he was living...

vovan1 • 1 year ago

right, i forgat recommendation, then we are in for a ride xD

Lord • 1 year ago

I just hope nothing happens to Emilico like it did with Barbie.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

well it just did, lets see what she will become in the next episode.

Kagamis • 1 year ago

wdym it just did?

vovan1 • 1 year ago

she lost her tutor/friend

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

About to comment the same thing. Barbie was basically Emilico version 1.0 before the stupid system of the Shadow House ruined her and Barbara.

kaeyasupremacy • 1 year ago

don't give them ideas lol

Golb89 • 1 year ago

As i said, we ALREADY knew that since that brief flashback at the end of the very first episode of this season.

piplupcola • 1 year ago

If anyone was wondering this is why barbie hates Emilyko, because she sees her past foolish and weak self in her

Golb89 • 1 year ago

We already knew about that since basically the beginning of this season though.

Also, everyone's so focused on how Barbie used to be "Emilico 1.0" yet noone is mentioning Barbara seems to be more than willing to sacrifice her (in order to meet someone who's already dead, to boot)

Lucyw18 • 1 year ago

yea i can't believe how alike barbie and Emilico were while barbara reminded me painfully a lot of Rum

Maybe she'll regain her spark once more

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

yea emilico before it went all south

Kusuo Saiki • 1 year ago

Yeah if you look she doesn't have the shark teeth here.. Must be implants.

Jack • 1 year ago

Finally more about the past, and holy sh** what a sad ending for Christopher, I think maybe his doll is still out there?

As much as bad animated that ed still managed to break my heart SPECIALLY seeing Emilico cry and then Barbara probably even more heartbroken than ever.

Veldora • 1 year ago

I hope his doll meets Emilco and Kate soon, if he's still there.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

Yeah I believe Christopher's doll, Anthony, was still in touch with Maryrose.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

I'm inclined to think that as well.

Ruka² • 1 year ago

Becoming adult in real life is also depressing

Vlad • 1 year ago

Especially in this generation. Sure, the generations from 1900-1950 had it most definitely worse, but ever since 1950, things only went up until we came... Now, we work harder and longer for less and it's harder to even find a decent j0b or wife... USA, Latin America, Europe, the Arab lands, Africa, East Asia, everything is a big smoldering turd, ready to light up...

Admin • 1 year ago

It's not that hard to find a wife, but people are starting to question the benefit of marriage. To get higher payer jobs and be more competitive in the market, you have to be highly educated. You have to put in the time and energy to climb up the ladder. Being married and having children can be highly detrimental to your career. This is also excluding the fact that a ton of people are struggling to pay bills, more and more people are in debts, value of money is going down, while price of goods are going up.

World of Bagged • 1 year ago

Yeah, marriage is overrated.

Vlad • 1 year ago

My experiences were very different. I have only average looks and was the best in my class at school. I was one of the majority of my male classmates who couldn't get a GF. They all flogged around a few select boys and mostly dated upwards. By the latter I mean that they ran after young men who could already legally buy alcohol, cigarettes and drive them around in cars... When I reached that age, I suddenly had many opportunities, but every single girl looked at me as if I was a walking ATM, or Greencard! Plus, I've seen it way too often that they look down on men and think its natural to exploit them until they hit their breaking point and when they do, they laugh about how stupid they were for enduring it this long! -and I didn't even start on cheating and trying to get you to pay for kids that aren't yours... Narcissim and ASPD are just way too widespread. I don't say all women are like this, but it's a real challenge to find a decent woman!
Plus, if you don't flirt hard enoug, they friendzone you and if you are too aggressive, you become a footnote in the Me2-movement... Women pretty much never tell what they want because that's not sexy to them... I hate it even more when women seriously play the yes-no-game (saying no but wanting someone doing it regardless, that ruins it for all men and every decent woman!)
Lastly, when you leave university, you won't find an abundance of women of your age anywhere anymore and trying to date in organised events only attracts all those golddiggers and women too damaged to find a man themselves... (even a 3 out of 10 usually doesn't need help finding a boyfriend, whereas a 7/10 man really needs a lot of effort to find a girlfriend).

PS: I got a Ph.D. in Chemistry and now I'm overqualified for nearly every job. Investing 10 years of my life and that much money didn't pay off at all... (despite excellent grades)

Cute Little Lesbian • 1 year ago

Great stuff man, ya the world is getting more and more f'd by the day especially for meaningful relationships..
It's unfortunate most people here just belittle you cuz their IQ is too low lmao

Spider Lily • 1 year ago

Lots of words to say 'I'm incel'.

TDLR: he doesn't get any 🥲🎻

Vlad • 1 year ago

I can find women who would spread their legs for me, but if I pay for the experience, then they should at least be good enough to make me feel loved...
Better yet: find someone who genuinely likes and respects me and isn't too crazy... (I had a stalker-experience once before)

Jack • 1 year ago

Facts!! This is why anime is an escape for me XD

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

So true

Ruka² • 1 year ago

Yeah it's becoming really competitive to get a job and this days with stuff like AI and advanced machines the job's are decreasing more

Vlad • 1 year ago

It's way more than that!
An illegal cleaning maid earns more than a cop who has to buy his own equipment and risk his life in one of the most thankless jobs in the world!
Truck drivers, harvest helpers and nurses are essential for the state, yet they ruin their bodies for less than they'd get as when they lived off the welfare state...
My parents generation had a middle class that could still afford a stay-at-home-wife and still afford a house in the countryside and a car, as well as two kids and their education and at least one international vacation. Today, I know people where both parents work 100% and have a side-hussle and still barely are able to afford the rent of a shabby, small flat 1h from work!

Now, if you think that you could fix this by elevate the minimal income, then you only destryo jobs and make life even worse for those that still have a job! My first serious job had me struggling in a place where my boss was supposed to train me but had no time for it because she was already working 70h a week or more! Obviously, I couldn't take her burden and it was extremely frustrating for both of us... I then learned that this is apparently extremely common: only hire someone when the other people work so hard until some of them collapse and then it's too late to turn the tides...
Another problem is that higher salaries at the bottom will either cause higher salaries of better trained workers, or they will start thinking that it's not worth getting the training, or even studying... Then the producsts and services and overall living costs go through the roof and we're back at square one...
In order to really fix it, we would need to fix it worldwide, or detach ourselves again from global trade with all the consequences...

PS: if you think that Europe or the USA is bad, look at Japan! Karoshi and anime productions... Plus, their housing prices and food costs are even higher than ours despite them earning less for working more...

Ruka² • 1 year ago

High inflation and less jobs are the root cause of this

Vlad • 1 year ago

To explain the assymmetric effect of inflation a bit better:
1) If a glitch in the matrix gave me 10 billion on my account, it wouldn't change a thing, as long as I can't spend it without getting into trouble.
2) If I can spend as much as if I had a well -paid job, then it would have no impact either as I could carry it on for millennia! Just that no currency survived 100 years... (even pound got reformed to the point that the old pounds became worthless over time)
3) If I started to buy up land like crazy and live off the rents I earn, then I would cause a affordable housing crisis over night!
4) If I buy things from foreign countries, it would mostly affect the exchange rate of my currency, but not cause inflation
5) Buying things inside the country, such as building myself a palace would do little to benefit the economy, becaue of the illegal workers, the construction companies evading taxes, etc. Instead it would just harm others who want to build things for a decent price.
6) However, if I create a company that become economically viable, I would create jobs rather than inflation!

So, all in all, we can have a situation where every day life has become unaffordable, while at the same time big hedge fonds and banks struggle because of too little liquidity! This isn't just a crazy thought experiment, but pretty much the current situation!

Vlad • 1 year ago

Not quite. Inflation doesn't affect everyone equally. Germans constantly b!tch about Fachkräftemangel (lack of skilled labour, mostly nurses, plumbers, construction workers, etc.), but the truth is that they don't pay enough for people to actually being interested in learning the craft. Then the entire academic situation is similar. I can get as a Ph.D. in Chemistry on an entry level less money in Germany than I would get in neighbouring Switzerland working as a garbage collector! I'm dead serious! To make it even worse: there are less jobs for chemists available in Germany and Germany has the highest taxes world wide! I'd really need to be completely desperate to work in Germany after spending 10 years on studying and doing my Ph.D.!
Inflation is not the only problem. The entire system of prices, taxes, and salaries needs to be readjusted and that will hurt a lot of people, but sooner or later it will become so bad that essential jobs get paid too little to survive! Meanwhile, some who don't provide much in terms of jobs, taxes, or value in general are swimming in income... At a certian level of wealth, you can dodge taxes legally (shady still) and often get away doing so illegally.
To fix all of it, we need to cut down taxes, inflation, and provide incentives to study the right topics and for businesses to settle down and create jobs... This still doesn't take into account one major factor: globalism. You can't compete withsome countries regarding environmental regulations, labour laws without being completely crimininally insane and energy costs and a few other factors will also remain outside your control. Heck, some lobbies are now bigger than some states and I don't mean federal states, but actual states! They operate outside of national law and have more money than the state to throw around (not necessarily spending, but projecting power through skillful investments).

Monkey D. Luna • 1 year ago

that's why I'm still a kid at heart...
* starts playing at the sand box*

Vlad • 1 year ago

LOL. Are you one of the sandartists that recreate the three monkeys?

Monkey D. Luna • 1 year ago

Nope. I'm not that talented. I just draw a lot of poop in the sand... so when the parents bring their kids to play, they have this baffled look like they see some Nazca Lines.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

You ain't kidding! AND you must also sacrifice/kill a part of you to allow the "Adult" part to survive and rule. XD

Ruka² • 1 year ago

I sacrificed my time for playing games and watching anime :(

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

My sympathies.....unfortunately sacrifice is something we all end up becoming "bosom buddies" with as we get older, the best you can hope for is to turn "sacrifice" into "compromise". Though, on the flip side, if you embrace those compromises, you can actually turn them into an advantage and eventually make them "trades" rather than compromises. After that, success is all about two things...1. What your personal definition of "Success" is....and 2. How skilled you are at wise and profitable "trades" in your life. (Hint: Don't equate "profitable" at only being a term applicable to money. Profitable really has to do with the happiness of yourself and those you encounter/affect. Money is only one possible tool that may be used in gaining progress to that end, there are countless others, don't undervalue or overlook them ;)..)

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

That was a very tragic ending but I don't think there's any other option for Maryrose and Rosemary anymore after she knew the truth about becoming adults. I still feel sorry for them, though. I hope this should spark something in the children's wing.

BTW, Barbie's with twin tales was so cute. And the reason she turned out to be like this was because of the stupid system of the Shadow House. All of them are victims here.

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

At least Maryrose and Rosemary didn't have to suffer, and were together in the end. T^T

What an episode...

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

IF they died, I actually get the feeling that all of that could have been part of her plan.....I mean, she seemed very precisely aware of where she was and may have let herself be caught JUST so she could get to that part of the house. It may be the spot she needs to successfully escape, and perhaps that soot was actually to protect her from the fall rather than use as an attack for real.

EVEN if she did die, she still gave Edward a good parting shot with causing trouble for him in the passage way and thus making it his responsibility.

BUT also she was able to let Emilico and Kate in on a WHOLE lot of stuff before she left the building...so she may have been doing all the extra she could to finish prepping them for taking over her role.

(I know I just wrote all this in my comment, but it bears repeating here where it can be more efficaciously discussed. )